Admission Project
Why do have an admission project?
This is a great way for you to tell if coding is for you and if our program (guided self-learning) fits your learning style.
The Project
Write a Fahrenheit to Celsius converter!
1) Your submitted code should have a JavaScript function that:
Takes a number that represents a Fahrenheit degree
Calculates the equivalent Celsius degree
Returns the Celsius value
2) Your code should also run the function with 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and console.log the result - correction, use 96.8
3) Write and submit your project using the code editor described above
Can I use ChatGPT or similar?
For the reasons mentioned above, please don't use AI tools so you can see if our program is a good fit for you.
Expected Time
Hours to a couple of days
Where do I start?
First, you need a simple code editor to write, test, and submit your code. Please use this online code editor. You will write JavaScript in the input area, run it by pressing the red RUN button, and it will display any results or errors below it.
Next, you need to learn some JavaScript. We recommend this video (skip to 16:12). Don’t just watch the video, follow along with it so you learn by doing.
After writing and testing your degree convertor code in the editor, copy the URL in the address bar and submit it. It should look something like:
If you have any questions, get in touch.
Send us the link to your code by replying to the email you received.
Make sure your code is saved/loaded correctly in the link.
Why do have an admission project?
This is a great way for you to tell if coding is for you and if our program (guided self-learning) fits your learning style.
The Project
Write a Fahrenheit to Celsius converter!
1) Your submitted code should have a JavaScript function that:
Takes a number that represents a Fahrenheit degree
Calculates the equivalent Celsius degree
Returns the Celsius value
2) Your code should also run the function with 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and console.log the result - correction, use 96.8
3) Write and submit your project using the code editor described above
Can I use ChatGPT or similar?
For the reasons mentioned above, please don't use AI tools so you can see if our program is a good fit for you.
Expected Time
Hours to a couple of days
Where do I start?
First, you need a simple code editor to write, test, and submit your code. Please use this online code editor. You will write JavaScript in the input area, run it by pressing the red RUN button, and it will display any results or errors below it.
Next, you need to learn some JavaScript. We recommend this video (skip to 16:12). Don’t just watch the video, follow along with it so you learn by doing.
After writing and testing your degree convertor code in the editor, copy the URL in the address bar and submit it. It should look something like:
If you have any questions, get in touch.
Send us the link to your code by replying to the email you received.
Make sure your code is saved/loaded correctly in the link.